Protect Our Postal Services

OWL ALERT April 20 – 27, 2020


If not us then who?

The U. S. Postal Services is a vital American institution that has served a critical role during the Coronavirus crisis.  It is a lifeline for millions of older citizens, especially those without internet access and those living in rural areas.

SITUATION:  President Trump has personally rejected emergency postal service funding, and the post office has received a loan only. Our Postal Service needs direct assistance, not loans, in order to continue serving the public during this pandemic, the recovery period and the upcoming election.  Vote by mail, so important to our democracy, is especially at stake.

ACTION: Call your Congressmember and U.S. Senators TODAY!  Tell them to protect our postal services and its tireless employees by providing needed permanent funding.  Make sure that Americans can continue getting their mail.


D.C. Local D.C. Address
Representative Nancy Pelosi 202-225-4965 415-556-4862 1236 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Representative Jackie Speier 202-225-3531 650-342-0300 2465 Rayburn  HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Representative Anna Eshoo 202-225-8104 650-323-2984 202 Cannon HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Representative Jared Huffman 202-225-5161 415-258-9657 1527 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Representative Barbara Lee 202-225-2621 510-763-0370 2267 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Representative Mark DeSaulnier 202-225-2095 925-933-2660 503 Cannon HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Representative Eric Swalwell 202-225-5065 510-370-3322 407 Cannon HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Senator Dianne  Feinstein (202) 224-3841 (415) 393-0707 331 Hart Senate Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20510
Senator Kamala Harris (202) 224 – 3553 (415) 981 – 9369 112 Hart Senate Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Stimulus Package Phase 3

OWL ALERT April 12–19, 2020

Stimulus Package Phase 3

 If not us, then who?

SITUATION:  Senate Democrats in Washington unveiled their own Phase 3 proposal to fight COVID 19 and the economic crisis it has caused. This proposal puts workers and families first.  Older people, veterans and people with disabilities, Social Security benefits would immediately be increased by $200 per month until the end of 2021, putting money into the economy. Public health issues, including burgeoning capacity issues for hospitals, childcare and education would also be addressed.

ACTION: Please contact your Senator and ask for their support for a more people oriented Phase 3 proposal, one that puts families, children, older people, veterans and those with disabilities first, rather than tax cuts and financial support for corporations.


D.C. Local D.C. Address
Senator Dianne  Feinstein
(202) 224-3841 (415) 393-0707 331 Hart Senate Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20510
Senator Kamala Harris
(202) 224 – 3553 (415) 981 – 9369 112 Hart Senate Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

CA AB 2377 Adult Residential Closure Act

OWL ALERT April 4 -10, 2020

If not us, then who?

SITUATION:  Adult residential homes in California are closing at an alarming rate.  These facilities commonly referred to as “Board and Care,” house some of our most vulnerable older citizens who are no longer able to live independently in the community.  At this time it is more important than ever to have safe housing to prevent homelessness.

ACTION:This bill requires a licensee of a Board and Care home to take all reasonable steps to transfer residents safely to minimize possible transfer trauma. and provides for more stringent closure requirements.  Contact your Assemblyperson today and ask for their support on Assembly Bill 2377


Sacramento Local Sacramento Address
Assemblyman Phil Ting  (SF Dist 19) 916-319-2019 415-557-2312 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249-0019
Assemblyman David Chiu,  (SF  Dist 17) 916-319-2017 415-557-3013 P.O.Box  942849, Sacto 94249-0017
Assemblyman Evan Low (Cupertino Dist. 28 916-319-2028 408-446-2810 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249-0028
Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks (Oak Dist15) 916-319-2015 510-286-1400 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249-0015
Assemblyman Jim Wood (Santa Rosa Dist 2) 916-319-2002 707-576-2526 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249-0002
Assemblyman Kevin Mullin (SanMateoDst 22 916-319-2022 650-349-2200 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249-0022
Assemblyman Rob Bonta (Oak Dist 18) 916-319-2018 510-286-1670 P.O,Box 942849, Sacto 94249–0018
Assemblywoman Rebecca Bauer-Kahan 916-319-2016 925-328-1515 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249–0016
Assemblyman Marc Levine (SRafael Dist 10) 916-319-2010 415-479-4920 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249-0010



If you prefer not to talk with a live person, call during off-hours


Senior Community Service Employment Program

Are you ready to learn new skills, train, and go back to work?
SCSEP is a federally funded job-readiness program that helps older adults transition
from on-the-job-training back into the work force.

Eligibility requirements are:
1. 55 years or older
2. Resident of San Francisco
3. Currently unemployed
4. Low Income
Contact Amy Yu, Program Director:,   or call 415/345-1002.