- 2022 meetings included…
- GETTING OUR AFFAIRS IN ORDER FOR 2023: Subsequent to the meeting, presenter Susan Pollack made her list of priorities available to us. Click HERE for a list of Estate Information Essentials.
- Celebrating Creativity
- Get Ready for the November Election
- Protecting Social Security and Medicare
- Strengthen and Stretch
- Your Internet Security
- Older Women and Employment
- What’s New With the Corona Virus
- 2021 meetings included…
- The Human Face of Immigration: To llisten to an audio recording of the meeting, go to:
https://1drv.ms/v/s!BOcjC88eJNeggZMC4ZUNbY4rFemxUQ?e=Me6JcV - Turning Streets into Walkways
- Looking After Our Mental Health
- Seasoned Voices: Telling Our Stories, Sharing Our Insights
- Environment, Health & Advocacy
- Improved Physical and Mental Agility
- The Future of Health Care – A Social Justice Issue
- What You Need to Know About Patient Rights!
OWL meetings in 2020 included…
- Practicing Gratitude
- Witnessing History, Telling Our Story: Historical Events of The Past 60 Years
- Pandemic Doldrums Got You Down? Let’s Have Some Fun!
- Equal Justice Initiative Presents a Talk and Discussion on Racial Justice
- Social Justice: Showing Up for Racial Justice
- Owl Wants to Stay In Touch With You
- Civil Discourse: A Roundtable Discussion on Supporting Civil Conversations
- Making Sense of What’s Happening at City College
- OWL meetings in 2019 included…
- Kitchen Herbalism: Herbs and Teas as Part of Your Health Program
- Advocating for Important Legislation Issues Affecting Older Women in 2019
- Community Housing in San Francisco: What are the Options?
- Immigration: What’s Going on Now? What’s on the Horizon?
- Aging and the Brain: A Conversation on Dementia with a Master Clinician
- Embrace Aging & Reject Ageism: Stretch Body Mind and Spirit
- The Planet We Are Leaving Our Grandchildren
- OWL meetings in 2018 included…
- Docent Led Tour at the Museum of African Diaspora
- Be An Informed Voter!
- Clearing Out Our Clutter
- Clean Air: The Environmental Crisis Brought Home
- Age On! Exploring Aging Resources with The Institute On Aging
- Ballot Round-Up for November 2018 Elections
- Dreaming of a More Livable Sf?
- OWL meetings in 2017 included…
- Coming Together: Broadening Our Base: Learn About What Other Organizations Are Doing in These Unsettling Times!
- Stand Together and Take Action: Medicare and Medical Are Under Attack…
- And Social Security Is Next!
- Women’s Health: Learn of All the Many Services for Women from Planned Parenthood
- The Immigration Debate: What Is True? What Is False? What Is Mixed?
- Summer Of Love: Garden Party
- What Does Climate Change Mean for You and Your Health?
- Reframing Aging: Confronting and Transforming Society’s Current Images, Biases and Prejudices
- Why Bother Making Friends? Let’s Talk About the Importance of Relationships In Our Lives!
- OWL meetings in 2018 included…
- Docent Led Tour at the Museum of African Diaspora
- Be An Informed Voter!
- Clearing Out Our Clutter
- Clean Air: The Environmental Crisis Brought Home
- Age On! Exploring Aging Resources with The Institute On Aging
- Ballot Round-Up for November 2018 Elections
- Dreaming of a More Livable Sf?
Are you ready to learn new skills, train, and go back to work?
SCSEP is a federally funded job-readiness program that helps older adults transition
from on-the-job-training back into the work force.
Eligibility requirements are:
1. 55 years or older
2. Resident of San Francisco
3. Currently unemployed
4. Low Income
Contact Amy Yu, Program Director: ayu@felton.org, or call 415/345-1002.
Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) helps Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries avoid, detect, and report health care fraud. They both protect beneficiaries and help preserve the integrity of the Medicare and Medicaid programs by recovering and avoiding the billions of dollars typically lost to health care fraud each year. https://cahealthadvocates.org/fraud-abuse/senior-medicare-patrol/
- OWL meetings in 2017 included…
- Coming Together: Broadening Our Base: Learn About What Other Organizations Are Doing in These Unsettling Times!
- Stand Together and Take Action: Medicare and Medical Are Under Attack…
- And Social Security Is Next!
- Women’s Health: Learn of All the Many Services for Women from Planned Parenthood
- The Immigration Debate: What Is True? What Is False? What Is Mixed?
- Summer Of Love: Garden Party
- What Does Climate Change Mean for You and Your Health?
- Reframing Aging: Confronting and Transforming Society’s Current Images, Biases and Prejudices
- Why Bother Making Friends? Let’s Talk About the Importance of Relationships In Our Lives!
- Proposition 13: Make It Fair!
- OWL meetings in 2016 included…
- Considering End of Life Wishes
- Open Q&A Forum on Police Issues in SF
- Women and Money
- Empowered Elder Workshop
- Visit the Tenderloin
In collaboration with researchers at UCSF’s Aging, Metabolism and Emotions Center, directed by Drs. Elissa Epel & Aric Prather, the Brain Health Registry is working to better understand the daily and psychological experience of caregivers
Caregivers care for people with different disabilities, injuries, and illnesses – brain disease, heart disease, autism, and other conditions. Many are caregivers for someone who needs extra help due to age.
Caregivers have a difficult task before them: How do they provide the best care for their loved one AND take care of their own health and wellness? While the answer is complex, research shows that one of the most important things caregivers can do is to take care of themselves.
The FDA Office of Women’s Health (OWH) is partnering with the NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health to initiate a Diverse Women in Clinical Trials Campaign (DWCT). The campaign’s goal is to raise the awareness of the importance for women of different ages, races, ethnic backgrounds, and health conditions to participate in clinical trials.
The following websites offer excellent information:
- OWL meetings in 2016 included…
- Visit The Tenderloin
- Empowered Elder Workshop
- Women And Money
- Ballot Round-Up for November 2016 Elections
- Considering End of Life Wishes
- OWL meetings in 2015 included…
- Fracking and Water: The Environmental Impact on Our Lives and What to Do About It
- Muslim Women in Today’s World
- How Can We Grow Old and Stay In San Francisco?
- What’s The Latest on Medicare and Social Security?
- Legacy Film Festival on Aging Preview
- Ballot Round-Up for November 2015 Elections
The Alliance for Retired Americans is pleased to launch www.medicare50th.org. Click on the link to read the personal stories of what Medicare has meant to several Alliance members personally since its inception, and how much it has changed their lives. As we celebrate the 50th anniversary year, we will add new features and details about Alliance events to mark the occasion and ways you can help remind policymakers to protect this essential, earned benefit. (Click RESOURCES above).
Walk San Francisco’s Report on Walking measures how San Francisco is meeting the goals, as laid out in the Mayor’s 2013 Pedestrian Strategy, to make walking safer and more enjoyable.
The growing Alzheimer’s crisis is threatening to bankrupt America. To be an advocate and find out more: Alzheimer’s Association website www.alz.org.
Tell Congress to increase funding for Alzheimer’s research this year!