OWL ALERT January 23: Tell SFMTA to Enforce Rules for Bicyclists

SITUATION: The SFMTA is proposing a new plan called “The Biking and Rolling Plan” which will extend bike lanes to form an interconnected system.

Despite the presence of bike lanes, there are still too many bikers ignoring safety laws.

ACTION:  Tell the SFMTA and their Board of Directors that before the City spends more money on bike lanes, they should ensure that the laws should be enforced prohibiting bicycles from riding on the sidewalks, running red lights and stop signs and entering crosswalks while a pedestrian is crossing.

ALSO: Share this message with friends, family and colleagues in San Francisco.

Email the SFMTA Board at: MTABoard@sfmta.com

Call them at: (415) 646-4470

Write to them at: 
One South Van Ness Ave., 7th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103