SITUATION: The SFMTA Board of Directors is working on a plan to make all forms of biking and rolling—such as scooters, e-bikes, skateboards, power chairs and other low-speed wheeled devices—safer for everyone in the city. Their #1 goal is putting people first. Hopefully that includes seniors and all pedestrians.
Their plan must include educating riders about traffic laws such as stopping for stop signs and red lights, yielding to pedestrians and not riding on sidewalks, practices which are presently making our sidewalks and crosswalks unsafe.
ACTION: Email the Board of SFMTA at and tell them that their Biking and Rolling Plan must include education of the public—and enforcement of laws already on the books—to insure that bicycles and scooters are not allowed on the sidewalks and must stop for red lights, stop signs and crosswalks to ensure the safety of all San Franciscans.
ALSO: Share this message with friends, family and colleagues.