SITUATION: The August 23 OWL Alert asked OWLs to contact members of the California State Assembly, urging them to pass SB961, a bill that will mandate that auto manufacturers include technology to keep cars driving at safe speeds.
Excellent news! The bill passed on September 1!
However, the bill has been waiting for Governor Gavin Newsom to sign it, while the automobile manufacturing industry lobbies intensely for him to veto it.
ACTION: Contact Governor Newsom and insist that he sign this crucial, landmark piece of legislation to reduce fatalities from speeding drivers, hold the auto industry accountable, and keep California on the cutting edge of legislation which will no doubt lead other states to follow suit.
Also: Share this message with friends, family and colleagues in California.
Click HERE to email our governor.
To write or phone:
Governor Gavin Newsom
1021 O Street, Suite 9000
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 445-2841