SITUATION: Today’s US health care system is a complex, fragmented multi-payer system that still leaves wide gaps of coverage and poses significant issues of affordability. Despite health care spending in the US far exceeding other high-income, industrialized countries that offer a publicly financed single-payer system, we consistently report worse health outcomes and disparities among vulnerable populations.
An estimated 3.2 million Californians remain uninsured and millions more with coverage often delay or are unable to access necessary medications or health care services due to cost.
California Assembly Bill 2200—known as the California Guaranteed Health Care For All Act, introduced by Democratic Assemblyman Ash Kalra—sets in motion a single-payer health care coverage system in California, called CalCare, for all residents, regardless of citizenship status. By streamlining payments and lowering per-capita health care spending, CalCare guarantees quality health care and long term care without creating barriers to care or out of pocket costs.
ACTION: National Nurses United has a petition urging legislators to pass AB 2200. Click HERE to read the petition, and HERE to sign it. Click HERE to locate your California State Assembly Member, contact them, and urge passage of this crucial legislation.
ALSO: Share this message with friends, family and colleagues in California.