OWL-SF would like to thank Members for your political participation via OWL Alerts. Congratulations are in order for a pair of recent victories:

The OWL Alert for September 6 asked Members to contact California State legislators to urge them to pass AB 645, which creates a pilot program in several California cities—including San Francisco—installing cameras to enforce speed limits. Not only did the legislature pass the bill, Governor Newsom signed it into law on October 13.

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Then on September 28, the OWL Alert asked Members to contact Newsom to urge him to sign AB 360, a bill that will prevent the mislabeling of wrongful in-custody deaths as “excited delirium,” which frequently—and wrongly—justified the use of force by law enforcement. The Governor did in fact sign the bill into law on October 8, another victory!
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OWL-SF is deeply proud of our contribution to grassroots social change!