OWL ALERT May 12: Domestic Workers Deserve Dignity, Safety and Resources

Situation:  Domestic workers include those providing a variety of services to low income Seniors and people with disabilities who need help to remain in their homes. Yet, domestic workers, along with day laborers, are the only class of workers excluded from California’s health and safety protections (Cal/OSHA).

California senate bill SB 686 helps ensure that more people are employed as In Home Support Services (IHSS) workers in California by demanding they be treated with dignity and respect, through better benefits, higher wages, and inclusion in safety regulations.

Action: Help push for SB 686:

  1. Click HERE to contact Governor Newsome and ask him to get behind IHSS workers by supporting SB 686.
  2. Click HERE to sign the petition from Hand In Hand—The Domestic Employers Network—endorsing SB 686.
  3. March in Sacramento next Wednesday, May 17: biggest mobilization of the campaign for domestic worker health and safety—SB 686—to demand respect and dignity for care work in our homes. Free buses from San Francisco and Oakland.  To reserve a seat, contact info@domesticemployers.org.