SITUATION: Through the ACO REACH operational structure of Medicare, commercial insurance companies (as well as other profit-driven entities) are being allowed to “manage” the care of millions of Americans who signed up for Traditional Medicare.
Many of these “bad actors” have a documented history of harming patients or taxpayers, as well as a business model that financially rewards them for denying care. Their inclusion in REACH demonstrates that the program is fundamentally flawed, and should be cancelled.
ACTION: Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) has scheduled a webinar called Exposing the Profiteers Behind Medicare REACH, to be held Thursday, January 26th at 6 p.m. Learn how the Protect Medicare coalition is responding to the launch of the program; and how YOU can stand up to these profiteers and save Medicare for future generations. Register HERE for the webinar.
ACTION: Share this message with friends, family and colleagues.
Physicians for a National Health Program
29 E Madison St Ste 1412 | Chicago, Illinois 60602
312-782-6006 |