SITUATION: Created by Congress 20 years ago in order to provide better care at lower costs, Medicare Advantage has instead resulted in rising costs and private insurance companies siphoning off billions from Medicare.
SITUATION: A recent New York Times report found that of the private insurance companies offering Medicare Advantage Plans: 9 of the top 10 have overbilled Medicare between $12 and $25 billion, and 6 of the top 10 have been accused of fraud by the U.S. government and whistleblowers.
Health care providers have developed elaborate systems to make patients appear as sick as possible, often without providing additional treatment.
ACTION: In order to protect Medicare from corporate greed, we must get private insurance companies OUT of Medicare.
ACTION: has created a petition to urge Congress to ban private insurance companies administering Medicare. Sign the petition HERE.
ACTION: Share this message with family, friends and colleagues in the U.S.