The following list was provided to OWLSF by Susan Pollack, November 2022


[Updated 11/2022]
  1. Contacts
  2. Estate Attorney
  3. Financial Advisor
  4. Bank(s)
  5. Insurance Agent
  6. Accountant
  7. Doctors
  8. Pharmacy
  9. Estate Documents
  10. Will
  11. Trusts
  12. Powers Of Attorney (original and on file at institutions)
  13. Health Care Proxies (original and on file with doctors and institutions)
  14. Funeral/burial arrangements; draft obituary; photographs for obituary
  15. Long term care arrangements
  16. Information on family dynamics (guidance)
  17. Property to be dealt with
  18. Investments/Brokerage Accounts/Life Insurance
  19. Bank Account(s); safe deposit box
  20. Real Estate
  21. Personal property and other valuable assets, pets
  22. Automobile
  23. Where to find things
  24. Jewelry and other items of value (market or sentimental)
  25. Original executed documents (will, trusts, POA’s, health care proxies)
  26. Passport/medical/social security/insurance cards/driver’s license, birth and marriage


  1. Credit cards
  2. Bank and Investment Statements
  3. Evidence of tax payments/tax filings – federal, state and real estate –
  4. Insurance Policies
  5. Real estate documents
  6. Lists of friends/contacts
  7. Lists of service providers, including utilities
  8. Lists of passwords
  9. keys
  10. Stop/Monitor/Pay
  11. Social Security/Medicare/supplemental health
  12. Pension
  13. Credit Cards
  14. Auto-Pay
  15. CableTV/internet/electric/water
  16. Rent/maintenance/real estate taxes/income taxes
  17. Insurance premiums (property/liability)
  18. Social media
  19. Insurance
  20. Property and Liability (including driver’s)
  21. Medical
  22. Professional
  23. Automobiles
  24. Certificates of title (pink slips)
  25. Insurance

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