SITUATION: Traffic deaths in San Francisco persisted during the pandemic and, two years out from its 2024 Vision Zero deadline, the city’s goal of zero traffic deaths by then has become increasingly elusive.
SITUATION: Speed is the main factor in determining a victim’s survival in a crash, and (many argue) there is no single tool as effective at decreasing the dangers of automobile traffic as speed safety cameras.
SITUATION: California State Assemblymember Phil Ting is the lead author of a bill authorizing a five-year pilot program in five California cities—including San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose in the Bay Area—to utilize “speed safety systems,” such as cameras, that automatically detect violation of speeding laws. (We already use cameras to enforce red-light running.)
ACTION: AB 2336 is currently under review by the Assembly. Contact your State Assemblymember and urge them to promote and enact this life-saving legislation (see link below for contact info).
ACTION: Share this message with friends, family and colleagues in California.
Click HERE to find your State Assemblymember.
Click HERE to find their contact info, listed alphabetically by last name.