SITUATION: Data from apps most of us routinely use can be warrantlessly examined by the government, allowing agencies—such as the IRS, the FBI and ICE—to identify and track people without users’ knowledge.
They do this:
- By purchasing information about individuals from commercial data brokers.
- Without having to provide probable cause, because the laws regarding this matter were written before commercial data brokers existed, therefore not including them.
ACTION: S1265/HR2738, The Fourth Amendment is Not For Sale Act, has been introduced by Senator Ron Wyden (D, OR), which, among other actions:
- Ensures that intelligence agencies acquiring data on Americans do so within the framework of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
- Requires the government to get a court order to compel data brokers to disclose data.
- Takes away the Attorney General’s authority to grant civil immunity to providers and other third parties for assistance with surveillance not required or permitted by statute.
ACTION: The Fourth Amendment is Not For Sale Act is being considered by both Houses of Congress. Contact your Senators and Representatives (info below) and urge them end this massive privacy invasion by passing S1265/HR2738.
ACTION: Share this email with friends, family and colleagues.
Click HERE to find contact information for members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.