Expanding Social Security is essential to keeping millions of Americans out of poverty—including hundreds of thousands of Californians.

SITUATION: U.S. Representative John Larson, (D-CT), has introduced the Social Security 2100 Act: A Sacred Trust, which will increase benefits and lower taxes of SS recipients, while ensuring that Social Security remains solvent for the rest of this century.

SITUATION: California State Senator Nancy Skinner has introduced State Joint Resolution 11, which requests California Representatives in Congress to call for a vote supporting the Social Security 2100 Act, which is crucial because:

  • A message from California—the most populous state in the nation—will be heard loud and clear, and other states will follow
  • California is home to a major percentage of U.S. citizens age 65 years and over

ACTION:  Send a letter of support for this resolution to State Senator Nancy Skinner:

1515 Clay Street, Suite 2202
Oakland, CA  94612
Phone: (510) 286-1333
Click HERE to email State Senator Skinner.
ACTION: Share this Alert with friends and family
ACTION: Contact your California State Senators and Assemblymembers:
Click HERE to find your Cal State legislators
ACTION: Contact your U.S. Representative:
Click HERE to find your U.S. House member