A Panel Discussion of the Pros & Cons of Banning Cars on JFK Drive and the Great Highway
skip the first 15 minutes!
- Why is this important?
- Who benefits? Who loses out?
- How do MUNI, Recreation and Parks Dept. and other agencies fit in?
- Does this affect access to public spaces for older people and the disabled?
The panel:
Gordon Mar, San Francisco Supervisor, District 4
Serena Unger, Urban, Rural, Regional Strategies Planning Consultant
Karen Berniker, Logistics and Planning Department, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Sarah Jones, Director of SFMTA Planning Sub-division, SFMTA
Join us to hear all sides of the issue on street closure
Ask Questions!
Join in the Debate!
Zoom Meeting plus telephone call-in
Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021—11 AM to 12:15
For more information, call: (415) 712-1695, or email info@owlsf.org