OWL ALERT May 6, 2021

 San Francisco’s City College Needs Your Help

SITUATION City College is more vital than ever as the pandemic ends.  Job training, English as a second language, completing interrupted skills training, and offering meaningful opportunities to seniors and those with disabilities to get back into the world. 



1) Show up at the Rally supporting CCSF on Saturday, May 8 at 11:00 am in front of City Hall, the Polk Street side, 

2) Email CC Board of Trustees, scheduled to vote on Monday, and tell them you are a community member and want to see City College serving the community again, 

3) Contact your SF Supervisor about how vital City College is to the city!



Shanell Williams, President, swilliams@ccsf.edu

Tom Temprano, Vice President, ttemprano@ccsf.edu

Aliya Chisti, achisti@ccsf.edu, Brigitte Davil, bdavila@ccsf.edu,

John Rizzo jrizzo@ccsf.edu, Thea Selby, tselby@ccsf.edu, Alan Wong, alanwong@ccsf.edu


Connie Chen, Dist. 1, 415-554-7410, ChanStaff@sfgov.org

Rafael Mandelman, Dist. 8, 415-554-6968, MandelmanStaff@sfgov.org

Matt Haney, Dist. 6,415-554-7970, Matt.Haney@sfgov.org

Gordon Mar, Dist. 4, 415-554-7460, Gordon.mar@sfgov.org

Myrna Melgar, Dist. 7, (415) 554-6516 – MelgarStaff@sfgov.org

Aaron Pesking, Dist. 3, 415-554-7450, Aaron.Peskin@sfgov.org

Dean Preston, Dist. 5, 415-554-7630, Dean.Preston@sfgov.org

Hillary Ronen, Dist. 9, 415-554-5144, Hillary.Ronen@sfgov.org

Ashsa Safai, Dist. 11, 415-5546975, Ahsha.Safai@sfgov.org

Catherine Stefani, Dist. 2, 415-554-7752, Catherine.Stefani@sfgov.org

Shamann Walton, Dist. 10, 415-554-7670, Shamman.Walton@sfgov.org