An Occasional Piece, May, 2021



Informative and inspirational programs are planned for OWL for May 22nd and June 26th.  Sadly, these still must be via Zoom even as we all begin to hope that soon we can gather again in person.

For May 22nd at 11 AM, we feature a short video of “1000 Grandmothers” acting to protect our planet followed by Dr. Jan Kirsch, oncologist and environmental medicine expert speaking about climate change and health including things we can do to protect our planet for our grandchildren.

The June 26th program is Collecting the Wisdom of Your Years and Passing it Along. Our own Melanie Grossman will lead us through the process of writing our memoirs.  She has just completed and published her memoir Crossing Bayou Teche and even sold some copies.  We have been a part of creating some amazing history and societal change and it needs to be documented.  This is fun!

OWL SF has a Job Opening!

The person who has managed many of the details of keeping OWL organized is no longer available to do this.  This position requires a pretty good level of comfort and skill with a computer as it can mostly be accomplished at home.  Responsibilities range from maintaining an accurate membership list to monitoring emails coming to OWL (not many of those) to formatting and emailing the weekly ALERTS (but not choosing topics or writing the content), and a few other items necessary for such an active organization.  The compensation is $30/hour for a position which is 7- 8 hours per week.

Are you interested in taking on this vital work?  If not, do you know anyone who might be?  Please contact Glenda Hope at 415-585-4636.


“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow.  It only saps today of its joy.” Buscaglia

“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.”  Martin Luther King, Jr.