Women Make Movies is hosting an encore of Waging Change in their Virtual Film Festival from May 22-May 31, due to popular demand.
Waging Change, completed before the coronavirus hit, shines a light on the difficulties faced by restaurant servers and bartenders forced to live off their tips in many states which set the tipped minimum wage at $2.13 an hour. As hundreds of thousands of restaurant workers are laid off in the face of the pandemic, Waging Change, provides a behind the scenes look at what needs to change so that restaurant workers can receive One Fair Wage, which was already mandated by the House of Representatives in July, 2019.
Secretary Hillary Clinton was part of a powerful discussion with Saru Jayaraman, President of One Fair Wage and Nikki Cole, National Policy Director of One Fair Wage about the need to end the tipped minimum wage. The event was hosted by The Riveter and a link to the event is here
“We have to deal with the immediate emergency but that’s not enough—we have to take advantage of the terrible crisis to do better… This vestige of slavery needs to be eliminated once and for all.” -Secretary @HillaryClinton on fair wages for tipped workers @onefairwage