OWL ALERT May 12, 2020


SITUATION:  Gov. Gavin Newsom’s executive order Friday requiring counties to send every registered voter a mail-in ballot for the November election must also include an expansion of the number of in-person voting locations to support voters.  In-person locations are needed for people who will not use a mail-in ballot, that need a replacement ballot, need any kind of in-person language or physical assistance, do not have an address to receive a vote-by-mail ballot, are new to voting, or need to register and vote on the same day. This is not a partisan issue.

ACTION:  Voting by mail is not enough.  Having as many in-person locations as possible, with as many early voting opportunities as possible, is the only safe way to conduct an election under the current conditions to avoid long lines and large crowds. Contact those listed below and urge the expansion of both mail-in balloting and onsite voting places.

Governor Gavin Newsom          Phone: (916) 445-2841 
1303 10th Street, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

Sacramento Local Sacramento Address
Assemblyman Phil Ting  (SF Dist 19) 916-319-2019 415-557-2312 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249-0019
Assemblyman David Chiu,  (SF  Dist 17) 916-319-2017 415-557-3013 P.O.Box  942849, Sacto 94249-0017
Assemblyman Evan Low (Cupertino Dist. 28 916-319-2028 408-446-2810 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249-0028
Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks (Oak Dist15) 916-319-2015 510-286-1400 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249-0015
Assemblyman Jim Wood (Santa Rosa Dist 2) 916-319-2002 707-576-2526 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249-0002
Assemblyman Kevin Mullin (SanMateoDst 22 916-319-2022 650-349-2200 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249-0022
Assemblyman Rob Bonta (Oak Dist 18) 916-319-2018 510-286-1670 P.O,Box 942849, Sacto 94249–0018
Assemblywoman Rebecca Bauer-Kahan 916-319-2016 925-328-1515 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249–0016
Assemblyman Marc Levine (SRafael Dist 10) 916-319-2010 415-479-4920 P.O.Box 942849, Sacto 94249-0010

Call your own legislator


If you prefer not to talk with a live person, call during off-hours





Call your own senator

Sacramento Local Sacramento Address
Sen. Scott Wiener – SF Daly City, SSF, Colma 916- 651-4011 415-557-1300 State Capitol, R 5100, Sacto 95814
Sen. Nancy Skinner – Oakland, Berkeley 916-651-4009 510-286-1333 State Capitol R 5094, Sacto 95814
Steve Glazer- Walnut Creek, Pleasanton 916-651-4007 925-754-1461 State Capitol, R 5108, Sacto 95814
Sen. Jerry Hill – Brisbane, San Carlos Half Moon Bay, Hillsborough 916- 651-4013 650-212-3320 State Capitol, R 5035, Sacto 95814
Sen. Mike McGuire – Kentfield, San Rafael, Mill

Valley, Healdsburg

915-651-4002 415-479-6612 State Capitol, R 5061, Sacto 95814
Sen. Jim Beall – Los Gatos 916-651-4015 408-286-8318 State Capitol, R 2082, Sacto 95814