Stimulus Package Phase 3

OWL ALERT April 12–19, 2020

Stimulus Package Phase 3

 If not us, then who?

SITUATION:  Senate Democrats in Washington unveiled their own Phase 3 proposal to fight COVID 19 and the economic crisis it has caused. This proposal puts workers and families first.  Older people, veterans and people with disabilities, Social Security benefits would immediately be increased by $200 per month until the end of 2021, putting money into the economy. Public health issues, including burgeoning capacity issues for hospitals, childcare and education would also be addressed.

ACTION: Please contact your Senator and ask for their support for a more people oriented Phase 3 proposal, one that puts families, children, older people, veterans and those with disabilities first, rather than tax cuts and financial support for corporations.


D.C. Local D.C. Address
Senator Dianne  Feinstein
(202) 224-3841 (415) 393-0707 331 Hart Senate Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20510
Senator Kamala Harris
(202) 224 – 3553 (415) 981 – 9369 112 Hart Senate Building
Washington, D.C. 20510